About Food Orgasm

For years, people have been asking and contemplating this question: If you had to give up food or sex, which would it be?

I don’t know whether I heard it from someone (maybe Anthony Bourdain) or I coined it myself, but I have been using the term “food orgasm” to describe some of my eating experience in the past few years. To me, food orgasm takes place when you eat something so good, so amazing, so delicious, so yummy, that you are transported to another place; a place where all worries and problems and anxiety no longer exist, a place where it is just you and that damn good food. And trust me, that feeling is as addictive as sex.

As a food orgasm addict, I am constantly searching for the next high I can get. Whether is it that damn amazing Peter Luger Burger from Brooklyn or that sweet milky toast from Hong Kong, I will go the distance to find the best places to eat in the world. Of course as a college student from NYU, I have my limitations, but New York City is a great place to start. So join me each week as I venture the city in search of that orgasmic experience and attempt to create one myself in the comfort of my own kitchen.